

video voice projection 2019


In 1.4 a voice speaks and sings in a dark space. The narrator contemplates photography’s nature, the verbs used for it, the precarious position of the artist, the limits of visibility and finally the question why visual art is less about love than music is. At times, the darkness is interrupted by projected photographs, words and drawings. Moving between the personal and the critical, the voice dips in and out of song, using music as a mode of suturing. This results in a radical reversal: the person who is normally hidden behind a camera, invisible and quiet, is now fully exposed. The title refers to the aperture that is fully open, which is used in darkest conditions and lets in as much light as possible.

(make sure your audio is on)


video, voice, projection
duration 22 minutes

Installation view at Saaren Kartano, Hietamäki, Finland, May 2019